Sunday 17 April 2011

Vent First

Isn't it a funny thing how money and people can so easily and QUICKLY change a person.  It doesn't have to be an amount that you receive but how about an amount that you pay.  For sake of face I'll change names.

I have known "Ben" for nearly 18 years now and with a bond that I thought to be indestructable had literally a price.  A large x amount of money was borrowed (not from me but my sister) and hadn't been repayed for nearly 2 years.  Now I know what you guys maybe thinking is "Why on earth would you lend someone that kind of money?" or "Wow, you must have really trusted him in order to give him that much money."  The latter would be true of course, I mean he knows secrets about us that even we probably don't know.  In anycase, a few messages claiming our friendship is over based on his decision and some attitude later, we are indeed no longer friends.

Now getting to the "people" part.  We've seen eachother grow and have not particularily agreed with choices of friends but he definitely takes the cake on this one.  "Mark" is basically like his puppet master.  "Yes, master.  Anything for you master.  Kick me again master.  Treat me like shit master.  I'll keep coming back master."  And nothing ANYONE could say will change his thinking of this person, but that didn't keep me away from "Ben".  I still love him despite "Mark".

But I guess getting down to the nitty gritty, venting my frustration helped alot with coping.  I am sad that this friendship could no longer last but efforts of trying to mend it are no longer alive.  He'll be,  nomes?

Thanks for listening.  Or well in this case, reading!

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