Tuesday 8 November 2011

Hello, again.

I have a new found respect for people who blog.  Not that I didn't already but it's a full time commitment to maintain a blog, seriously. 

So to all the bloggers out there, I commend you.  Great job and keep it up.  You are inspirational!

So now to the topic at hand.  Competition and Motivation

My brother, brother-in-law, sister, husband and myself are going at it to see who can have the most drastic change in physique by March of 2012.  Now don't go on about how the world will end by then because we all have it down pact!  We will see the end result and that will be ME!! LOL but no seriously, this competition I feel is going to help all of us with the most difficult thing about maintaining or even losing weight and that is motivation.

Motivation, such an easy thing, no?  How it comes and goes and doesn't even visit long.  So how are we going to keep the motivation going?  Here is what we are doing.

  1. Before and After Pictures - We all took pictures of our "beginning" journey (Will post later) and are planning to have it blown up and hung on the walls of our rooms.  Or at least that is the plan.  In any case, to see ourselves in that large of a scale I believe is more of a reality check than to see ourselves in the mirror because let's face it, how many times have you ever gone by a mirror and be like "damn, I look good." and then see another mirror and think "Yup, this one is broken." or "I like the other one better." 
  2. Bragging rights- I don't care who you are, having to rub your win in the losers face is a little bit gratifying.  Yes, evil, but still oh so satisfying.  I'm not saying to get carried away because there is a fine line between playful banter and down right meanness.  Discover that line before going into any kind of bet.  I will not be held liable for whatever repercussions happen afterwards. But no on a serious note, it's fun.  Just don't go over board alright?
  3. Liability- Having to commit to something like this is not easy to do, I know! Trust me.  Then again nothing in life is easy but doesn't it make it all the more worth it, working hard and KNOWING that you deserve it. I've discovered that if I hold myself liable for someone else then I tend to commit to it and stay focus.  For instance, when I tell a friend that I will take a class with him so we can be buddies in it, I tend to go more often because now I feel obligated and liable for him going to class as well.  Because if I didn't suggest that we take the class together, then he could have easily taken another class instead.  Get what I mean?
  4. The Future- I'm envisioning my future and I see the way I want to be when I get there.  How am I going to accomplish this? What kind of time frame will I accomplish this in?  Is it realistic? Am I setting myself up for failure if I don't do it in the amount of time that I set out for it? I can see already that people are shaking their heads saying that I'm creating excuses for myself.  I'm really not.  I'm planning it out because I don't want to be disappointed because I jumped right into it without looking.  I mean you don't take a test without studying and expect to ace it.  Or jump off a cliff and into the water without knowing how deep it is.  Same thing goes for this.
I know that this is not your traditional steps of motivation, but this is what we are doing.  Tweeking and finding what works for us.  In anycase, I know that when I read this over there will be other things that I add to it but I guess that's the fun of it.  Trial and error, no? 

Good Luck to those reading this.  Your comments are welcomed and encouraged. 

I'll be at the Dededo sports complex every night at around 6:30 just doing my light run. If you need a buddy, I'll be more than accepting.  I'll be the one with the loud son and daughter rollerblading around.  Hope to see you there!

Sunday 29 May 2011


Hey everyone!  Well actually I'm talking to myself right now because noone else is following my blog...YET!  Have to have some optimism there.  I'm just "test driving" this right now before I go out and tell everyone about my blog.  In anycase, I'm hoping that with all my rants and raves and inserts (soon) from my book, along with some FREE recipes that I will get some followers.  But in the mean time I guess this is all for me.

In the upcoming blogs, I wanted to share with you all some of the types of foods that we have here on the island.  I will include pictures of the "featured food" along with some pictures of the ingredients, so you know what to get, because if you're anything like me, I NEED PICTURES.  Like seriously, if you tell me salt, I'm going to ask what kind of salt?  Kosher, regular Molten.  Work with me here.  So while I try to figure out how to organize this, anyone reading this is more than welcomed to give me some feedback.

My muh-ley and I wanted to put a blog up dedicated to the island food, whether it be Chamorro, Filipino, or American.  Doesn't matter...It's food on the island, but it's in the air right now.  We just thought that food is meant to be eaten and shared so why not share it, no?  I don't so much like buying cookbooks cause I think that it's crazy that I have to pay for a whole book of recipes just for ONE that I want.  So here is the solution, make a blog and have everyone SHARE!

Friday 27 May 2011

Being a better me.

Praise the Lord.

Lord please give me the knowledge I need to accept the things that I cannot.  Lord please give me the knowledge to change the things I can and to do it with due diligence.  Lord please help me to understand the different perspectives and not force mine on others.  I want to be a better me, even if I think that there is nothing that needs to be changed.  Even though others like me for who I am, I need to know who that is.  I want to have my identity, but what is that right now? 

Thank you for giving me the insight to know that I can better myself and those around me.  Thank you for giving me the strength to understand that it can be attainable.  Thank you for giving me a life that is worth living. Amen.

Praise the Lord.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Give Praise.

Give Praise to the Lord for all you have or don't have.

Tonight's study was about giving praise to the Lord.  We don't give Him enough praise and it's sad.  I know that I'm guilty of only praising Him when things are on the up and up but what about when things aren't.  I know it's hard but Pastor Tom gave an example of a man who was praising the Lord after a tornado totally shattered his house.  He praised the Lord for keeping his family safe and for the people who were found and are safe.

It was a nice sermon and I just wanted to share that with you all because I think we all should be reminded to be grateful of the things that we have. 

Praise the Lord!

Friday 29 April 2011

The kindness of children

The other day my kids were playing tag on their rollerblades and my son sprained his wrist.  As we all should know those things hurt and will probably take a few days before you can function again.  He's had trouble of course getting dressed, going to the bathroom, showering, you know, the daily activities.

This morning I woke up to this:

They had no idea I woke up and started taking pictures of them. 

These pictures completely blow me away at how children (ages 6 and 7) can show so much genuine kindness.  How they are TAUGHT to be rude, inconsiderate, disrespectful brats.  We could all learn a thing or two just by looking at these pictures.  I cannot say enough.  This has truly touched my heart and has humbled me, and I wanted to share this with the rest of you in hopes that it will have some effect on you as well.


Friday 22 April 2011

Good Job, GPD and GWA

I must say that GPD has been getting alot of bad publicity lately and like everything else, people seem to remember the bad things only.  Well I am going to stray away from that and commend them instead.  Thank you GPD for the quick response to my call, Officer Aguon and his partner (I'm sorry I didn't get your name, but you know who you are) for giving me a little bit of advice and genuine concern over my issue.  Thanks for assisting me on what I should and shouldn't do.

What had happened earlier was the water line that fed my line got busted and while I went to shut off my valve, a man kept sexually harrasing me.  After about a dozen times of yelling "NO!" and "STOP IT", I finally got my line shut off and left.  I mean really!  Sexually harrassing me is one thing but to do it in front of my kids, he's lucky I didn't punch him.  But yeah, it's handled.  My faith in GPD is slightly restored after the incident with my phone, which BTW is still not resolved.

Hey GWA!  Your customer service number needs to be answered!  But I gotta say though when you do, your guys are great.  Emergency service number, you guys never let me down.  Always answering when I call, you make a customer feel on top, THANKS!

BLOG on GMH coming soon.  Stay tuned for THAT! 
Comment, vent, whatever.  It's welcomed!

Wednesday 20 April 2011


My daughter, Precilla, she's 8 and a complete angel!  She's thoughtful, incredibly kind, and considerate.  She is also very adamant about going to church.  So her aunt (my husband's sister) had told her that she wouldn't be able to attend tonight because of some excuse, so I ended up taking her and my son which is fine of course.

To make a long story short, my sister in law was there and my daughter was appalled that she lied to her.  I mean come on.  You lie before you go to church?  What is that!?  (But then again who am I because I cursed right after church) And then on top of that, my sister in law tried to introduce me to a woman who I supposedly met before and when I tried to explain that I didn't remember her, she completely walked away.  So in midst of my explaination with this bitch of a woman, I finished it myself with a "yeah and the reason why I don't remember you is because you walk away before I can even get an impression of you and end this conversation by talking to myself" or to some extent like that.  My sister in law was shocked to hear that I said that. But oh well!

My patience is non existent right now, can someone help with this?  Thanks for the vent!  Comment, vent yourself, advise, whatever.....it's welcomed!

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Whoa there!

Today was a very eventful day.  My babysister panned out at the last minute and so I had to stay home with the kids instead of attending the 2nd Annual Sustainability Conference.  Luckily it runs for two days so I have until tomorrow to attend. 

I went to visiti my muhley today.  She wasn't feeling very well both physically and mentally.  People tell me their problems all the time and I try to help as much as I could, but today, I found myself being overwhelmed with her problems that I kind of freaked.  Other times when she explained her problems, I was always able to relate, but this time, this time it was different.  Try to imagine all the little problems you could have in a relationship, friendship, or just life in general and have it all mesh into one day, and that would be the day I had today.  Unfortunately I left and she wasn't completely fine.  Sorry, there is only so much I can do.

Tonight, tonight is continuing the story.  My sister in law, Therese told me that she will be moving in with us.  I won't explain the details because they are highly sensitive, but I will say this, it's going to be VERY interesting living together.  Now for the sake of thinking my house will be crowded with me, my husband, and two kids, lets just kill that now.  I have a four bedroom home.  She will fit! 

I got to hand it to her though, knowing the kind of person that I am (naked walking, vulgar talking, yelling machine) and she's still fine to stay here, this is why I get along with most of my in laws so well.  I honestly wish to all of you who have in laws, that they will be like certain ones of mine.  My mother in law for example was an absolute ANGEL, and we miss her dearly. 

But yeah, thanks for the vent.  Comment.  Vent yourself.  Whatever.  It's welcomed.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Getting the hang of blogging...

I can't believe what a procrastinator I am.  I seriously should be dubbed Queen!  Today is the deadline to file my taxes but instead of doing so, I'm blogging and watching the pilot episode of One Tree Hill.  I absolutely love BethanyJoy Galeotti.  She's hilarious!  Her kick off lines are "Oh, magazine pages are sticky again, little perv! Oh hey Luke, you've been reading this?"

Well anyway this morning I stopped by Rev & Tax to pick up the forms and yeah, I know, picking up blank forms the day of deadline, what am I thinking!  But it's all good.  I'm done and all I need now is to file them.  Thank goodness for the satellites set up, I won't have a hard time finding parking. In anycase, how does one deal with procrastination?  and can it be cured?  Your thoughts....

Vent First

Isn't it a funny thing how money and people can so easily and QUICKLY change a person.  It doesn't have to be an amount that you receive but how about an amount that you pay.  For sake of face I'll change names.

I have known "Ben" for nearly 18 years now and with a bond that I thought to be indestructable had literally a price.  A large x amount of money was borrowed (not from me but my sister) and hadn't been repayed for nearly 2 years.  Now I know what you guys maybe thinking is "Why on earth would you lend someone that kind of money?" or "Wow, you must have really trusted him in order to give him that much money."  The latter would be true of course, I mean he knows secrets about us that even we probably don't know.  In anycase, a few messages claiming our friendship is over based on his decision and some attitude later, we are indeed no longer friends.

Now getting to the "people" part.  We've seen eachother grow and have not particularily agreed with choices of friends but he definitely takes the cake on this one.  "Mark" is basically like his puppet master.  "Yes, master.  Anything for you master.  Kick me again master.  Treat me like shit master.  I'll keep coming back master."  And nothing ANYONE could say will change his thinking of this person, but that didn't keep me away from "Ben".  I still love him despite "Mark".

But I guess getting down to the nitty gritty, venting my frustration helped alot with coping.  I am sad that this friendship could no longer last but efforts of trying to mend it are no longer alive.  He'll be sorry...eh,  nomes?

Thanks for listening.  Or well in this case, reading!